Friday, July 9, 2010


Follow the link to for future blog posts from us!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fringe Project

In one of the first posts on this blog, my sister mentioned that she's the one who creates clothes, and I'm the one who creates accessories. Unsure of my own capabilities, I didn't believe her at the time...

... however I've noticed over the past couple of months that she's right! I do make accessories (or try to at least).

Hot the heels of her last post, I'd like to show case my most recent home made accessory...
my fringe bracelet.

but first...


I don't really like fringe, and when I first saw Kasmira wearing hers, my face did a few twitches. But she pulled it off so flawlessly, it made me think it was possible:

And then I was drawn wearing a fringe bracelet

I only had a week to either find one, or make one.

A quick trip to the fabric store and a few pin-pricks in my fingers later I had my very own navy fringe bracelet....


And a complete outfit for our epic event, exactly as it was drawn.

Except, you missed drawing the sunglasses, Sister ;)

Monday, July 5, 2010

"O.k. I'll come if you stop saying that."

My sister and I have to admit something... we're Twilight fans. Now before any judgmental conclusions are made, hear me out.

We are aware of all of the faults in the Twilight Saga. We don't enjoy the Summit Entertainment paraphernalia that has been tossed across the media. We are not a part of the screaming girl club. We don't change our Facebook statuses to Twilight related topics, and we do not have posters plastered on our walls.

That being said, we see the movies as soon as they come out, and see them more than once in theatre. We search the web for new fan made art. We stay up to date with how the movies are progressing, and what Stephenie Meyer is working on.

One of our favorite aspects about the Twilight Saga is the fashion. Stephenie Meyer takes special care in the books to make sure her readers know each character's style. It is from using what Meyer says in the books as a base, that one may create whole lines of clothing based on each character. As an artist, and a person who is fascinated by fashion I have attempted such a task with the dedicated help and inspiration of my sister.

The two of us spend considerable amounts of time talking about the clothing, and accessories that would fit into the different character's style. Mainly we discuss the Cullen family. Their style is best described in the books, and is the most exciting to play around with.

With the release of Eclipse we wanted to involve our brother. He has attempted to be understanding of our Twihardness ever since we agreed to support him in his LOTR Battle Strategy Game obsession. In order for him to come with us to the show he had to dress appropriately. No Twilight actor's faces, no everyday clothes. He had to dress more fashion forward than he has probably ever had to before.

In honor of the wolves having more of a role in Eclipse, we decided to take the styles that we have created for the Cullen family, and turn them into La Push styles. So since I am an Alice on a regular basis then for this event my style was, Alice: La Push. My sister is a Rosalie and so she was, Rosalie: La Push. Our brother, Emmett: La Push.

I did up a few drawings of what we might wear:

Emmett, Rosalie, Alice

This is what we ended up wearing:





And even the actors playing these roles show some similarities:

My sister and I will continue to be Twilight fans, but we won't be caught dead in Twilight merchandise.

P.s. had to post in a hurry more pics coming!

Friday, July 2, 2010


This is not my closet.
This is my friends closet.
She busted me pillaging her closet.
I made off with a few fabulous things,
but left a few fabulous things behind as a peace offering.....
... you know..... so I can pillage again after her next shopping trip.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tis' The Season

And of course grad season means that all the little girls in the world get to buy, wear, and show off their first ever princess dress of their dreams! This is a very exciting time. It is playing dress-up and not being ashamed of it. It is feeling great and moving forward! But at the same time, taking with you the girl who just likes to play dress up. With my two years out of high school, I say that there is nothing wrong with that!

Some of my favorite girls:

Sparkle and Shine

Formal Affair

Short and Sassy

Radiant Greek Goddess

Fairest of Them All (or at least the sweetest)

And the Best Dressed Man Award goes to...

Of course graduation would be nothing without the beautiful couples!

Congratulations everyone! You looked smashing. And don't ever be afraid to play dress up even now that you are "all grown up".

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fine - Have it Your Way

This is us sisters having a fight...

Kel: I still need to see photos of your new hair
Ailen: but you'll have to wait until Friday
Kel: but I'll see you before then, you have to post them before Wednesday
Ailen: but that's not my blog-post day!!
Kel: YOU HAVE TO! I'm waiting.......

Fine, Sister. Have it your way. But for the record, this is an extra special bonus blog-post, and if there is a day that I am stuck for posting content, I am allowed to re-post this one on the date assigned to me without consequence or punishment.

And, no, Sister. You are not allowed to post your Wednesday post on Thursday. You'll just have to figure out something interesting to write about on Wednesday that doesn't have anything to do with the movie that we're going to see and I PROMISE that I will not steal your content on Friday ;)

You're welcome, Sister.
p.s. My stylist is a miracle worker.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Three Little Piggies

This little piggy worked very hard for her painting, got to take it home (finally) and hang it on her wall....

this little piggy WON! (She won't get to take it home until next year)

... and this little piggy got none (she went home with a broken heart, determined to bid next year and hopefully win after that).


Friday, June 25, 2010


I just spent two days with my good friend Whitney. Whitney is a Lolita.

Lolita: a Japanese founded lifestyle and fashion subculture based on the Victorian and Rococo era ways of life.

As a Lolita one is expected to be a self-assured young lady who presents herself with dignity and grace and as such encourages those around her to do the same.

"I have chosen to be a Lolita because of my unwavering connection to the old ways of behavior, lifestyle and dress. I was originally part of a very similar style called Aristocratic, or more commonly known, Neo-Victorian, steam punk style that was far more dark than Lolita." Whitney went on to explain her shift from the one style to her current. "Lolita, I discovered had the same elements, but rather than dwelling in the darkness of maturity that Aristocratic style held, Lolita made life like candy."
"Being a Lolita has taught me to hold myself high as a woman. To not take life too seriously, but to celebrate it with beauty."

So to celebrate we had a photo shoot with some of the branches of the Lolita style!

Aristocratic Lolita: mature lady's style of the 1800's, Industrial Revolution

Sweet Lolita: most popular in Japan, bubblegum, girlie

Country Lolita: Dorthy & Anne inspired, braids, gingham

Shiro Lolita: "shiro" is Japanese for "white", angelic, pure

Gothic Lolita: more common in the west, dark, black & white, some red

Classic Lolita: floral & tea cup patterns

And then we had tea!

Special thanks to Lilly and August, Whitney's dolls who joined in on the fun :)